“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn how to live freely and lightly.”
I didn’t intentionally set out to be a sabbatical advisor. What expertise did I have in helping others plan for intentional rest from their vocational service/ministry? In fact, it was late in my own ministry as a preaching pastor of a rural congregation before I experienced a sabbatical of my own. Nevertheless, it was before that sabbatical when a campus ministry director asked me if I would serve as his advisor for an upcoming 40-day sabbatical. Since then I’ve been asked by others to be a listening ear, ask questions, and provide advice as they plan and then “rest through” their sabbaticals. My training as a spiritual director has since provided additional skills for serving as a sabbatical advisor.
What Is a Sabbatical Anyway?
Navigator’s Sabbatical Guidelines define what a sabbatical isn’t and is: When we use the word “sabbatical,” we’re not talking about a vacation but a guided process where we deliberately trust God for the unfinished as we disengage from normal ministry and leadership involvement to allow for serious evaluation of life and ministry (p. 3).
Have you longed for such disengagement from your vocational responsibilities in order to have an extended rest? How would you plan for restful living with Jesus if you had the opportunity to step away from your work and experience a season of rest? Who might pray with, listen to, and ask you questions to help you discern how God might be directing you in this season? What questions would you want to ask someone about how best to plan your sabbatical? Who would you turn to during a sabbatical to “check in” with to share your joys, frustrations, and maybe unexpected feelings? What if you had a sabbatical advisor to serve as a companion during your much-needed season of rest? Perhaps I might be that friendly advisor.
Advisory Fee
After the free, initial consultation, my compensation is $35.00- $75.00 (USD) per session depending on meeting length and frequency. If you find these fees prohibitive, you are welcome to discuss your situation with me. We’ll discuss and agree on fees during the free initial consultation.
A Few Last Words for Reflection
When I was preparing for my first Sabbatical, I reached out to my friend Dr. Jody L. Owens for suggestions. His advice proved invaluable to me throughout that first sabbatical. He replied, “If I could give one word of advice regarding Sabbatical it would be ‘Many folks I speak with say they wish they had scheduled more rest during their time away from responsibilities.’… I urge you to approach Sabbatical, not as a way to recharge so you can jump back into ministry full of energy. Instead, consider this a time to reflect on your life, your commitments, the things that draw you into God’s presence more deeply and the things that serve as obstacles to abiding in Christ. Your ministry on the other end shouldn’t just be energized. Rather it should be informed by your intentional time with God during the sabbatical.” Isn’t that worthy of further reflection?
If you are interested in exploring possibly companioning with me as your sabbatical advisor, please complete the form below.